Welcome to the first in a series of videos called "Highland Highlights." In this video, you will learn about an awesome bike with a blender attached in Mr. Rodney Glenn's classroom at HHS.

Mr. Glenn won this bike at a trivia night for the Highland Education Foundation, an organization that funds teacher and classroom grants through generous donations.

After sitting in his garage for a few months, Mr. Glenn brought the bike into his classroom, and the rest is history.


Bienvenidos al primer video en una serie que se llama "Highland Highlights." En este video, uds. van a ver una bicicleta-batidora dentro del aula del Sr. Rodney Glenn, un profesor de HHS.

Sr. Glenn ganó esta bicicleta durante una noche de trivia de Highland Education Foundation, una organización que les da a los profesores de STOH becas a través de donativos generosos.

Después de un par de meses, Sr. Glenn trajo la bicicleta a su aula y los estudiantes la han amado.